Make Painting Cost Estimating Easy and Fun
PaintCOST Estimator
Painting Cost Estimating Software for Excel
Painting cost estimating can be detailed and time consuming. If not done properly, it can be inaccurate, too. As a painting contractor, cost estimator or asset manager, you want to know the accurate cost of painting work in a residential or commercial painting project.
Our PaintCOST Estimator is the most effective, time-saving and complete painting estimator business software in the market today. It has been endorsed as best painting cost estimating software by contractor services. You can now work in a single MS Excel spreadsheet environment to quickly create, build, and manage your cost estimates. Experience the built-in Space Calculator. Figure Material and Labor prices. Utilize built-in reporting or use Excel's reporting functions. It's all in one complete, integrated solution.
Buy now for immediate download. Multiple license discounts available at checkout.
PaintCOST Estimator for Excel $65 Free Trial >> Video tutorial
Temporarily all purchases will be made through invoicing. Click Buy Now button below to request invoice using the Contact Form. Be sure to indicate software package name.
Space Calculator Painting Cost Estimator
PaintCOST Estimator's Space Calculator quickly figures out areas including cutoffs and addons such as doors, windows, closets. It does the mundane work so you don't have to. With that, you can use or easily override suggested calculations. A logical approach to a tedious problem.
Powerful and Easy to Use Painting Estimator
Designed for Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and improving on its capabilities, PaintCOST Estimator is contained completely within an Excel file with several worksheets. All you have to do is to open the PaintCOST Estimator Excel file, create your estimate then print reports. It’s that easy.
Because it's easy-to-use and intuitive, you can can generate a complete estimate within minutes. An estimate that accurately includes walls, ceiling, floors, trims, baseboards, doors, windows, special items and more.
PaintCOST Estimator computes both material and labor costs for a painting project and comes with current painting cost data. Additionally, all cost data is user modifiable, too.
PaintCOST Estimator generates instant, on-screen reports including estimate summary, estimate detail, estimate labor hours and bid quotation which is a formal document suitable for sending to customer for signup (see sample screens below). That's real convenience. Click a button to print or format as you would format any MS Excel spreadsheet file. You can use Excel's powerful data saving and exporting tools for managing and distributing your estimates in electronic format as email attachments.
Key Benefits of PaintCOST Estimator
MS Excel based estimating
Customizable, built-in unit cost data for material and labor
Works with 32-bit and 64-bit installations of MS Office
Built-in Space Calculator
Computes Material and Labor costs
Estimate Labor manhour report for easy scheduling
Formal bid quotation generated automatically
Incorporates user-defined progress payment schedules
Summary and Detail reports including Price Quotation
Automatically creates paint buylist
Automatically inserts your company logo to Quotation report
Free painting cost estimating system with 7-day full feature trial
Comprehensive Online Help system
Best painting cost estimating software ranking
Step by step tutorial for easy learning business software
Metric edition is also available.
System Requirements for PaintCOST Estimator
Desktop or laptop computer running under Windows 7 thru Windows 11
Microsoft Excel 2000-24, Office 365 desktop (32-bit or 64-bit MS Office installation)
Compatible printer
Tutorial and Screens for Painting Cost Estimating
PaintCOST Estimator Video Tutorial on YouTube:
PaintCOST Estimator selected sample screens and reports:
Sample screen - Estimate worksheet
Sample screen - Space Detail
Sample screen - Space Calculator
Sample screen - PaintCOST Menu under Add-Ins
Sample screen - Estimate Summary Report
Sample screen - PaintCOST Help System
Sample report screen - Estimate with Markups
Sample report screen - Space Category with Notes
Sample report screen - Itemized Scope of Work
Sample report screen - Proposed Bid and Scope
Sample report screen - Schedule of Values
Sample report screen - Price Quotation Short
Sample report screen - Price Quotation Work Breakdown
Sample report screen - Price Quotation Work and Cost
Sample report screen - Paint Order List
See Also:
GeneralCOST Estimator for Excel
“Thanks for the quick reply - this is a good tool at a great price" J.M. Paint Contractor
“This is a great product and saves many hours figuring bids" M.C., Painting Contractor
"Thanks for your quick response- I'm loving it so far..." L.S., Painting Contractor
"Use paintcost for my bids. Saves time and its very helpful" G.D., Painting Contractor
“Nice piece of software. Enjoy using it." John M. Painting Contractor
"I have been using your program for about 2 years now It is a great tool" J.H., Contractor
How-To Series
Did You Know...
Lead-based paint means paint or other surface coatings that contain lead equal to or in excess of one milligram per square centimeter or more than five-tenths of one percent by weight in a residential dwelling or child-occupied facilities.
Painter's Credo
- Tools and equipment make the trade. Buy the best you can afford
- Prep time pays for itself and more… don’t rush to start
- Always buy enough paint (and especially wallpaper) to see you through the job
- Maintain a clean working environment free from dust and debris
- Take time to protect owner's property such as floors, rugs and furniture
- Follow manufacturer’s recommendations and allow enough time to dry between coats
- Compare and match colors under non-reflecting natural light
- When preparing quotes, be sure to allow adequately for move-in/out, surface prep and/or repair, furniture handling, leftover material and adverse working conditions
- Do not underbid just to be competitive. That is a recipe for failure in the long run
- Create a fair (standard) cost estimate of the job, then apply a discount (or surcharge) if you have to
What to Do Other Than Paint?
How about cost estimating service or professional consulting? You can acquire customers who are general or remodel contractors, startup painting companies, do-it-yourself folks, state or government departments, community colleges and training schools and more. You put your time, know-how and experience to good use and you make money. Along the way, you meet and talk to people, expand your business interests and who knows, even better opportunities may arrive. Remember, you have to know what you are doing and what you are saying. A great painting cost estimating software such as PaintCOST Estimator for Excel can be your effective companion and even your marketing tool.
End User Agreement
Sample end user agreement applicable to software products. More info >>
How to Uninstall
Trial and Registered software editions come with built-in uninstall feature. More info >>