Build Concrete Project Cost Estimates the Easy Way
ConcreteCOST Estimator
Concrete Construction Cost Estimating Software for Excel
Concrete cost estimating is tough. It can also be inaccurate. Concrete contractors need an easy and accurate software tool for building bid-winning cost estimates.
You can now work in a single MS Excel environment to quickly create, build, and manage your concrete cost estimates. As a construction professional, concrete contractor or insurance claim professional, improving cost estimating efficiency translates to time savings and profits. ConcreteCOST Estimator for Excel represents the easiest to use and the best concrete estimating software available.
ConcreteCOST Estimator supports advanced features including on-screen Concrete Calculator for easy volume calculation.
Buy now for immediate download. Multiple license discounts available at checkout.
ConcreteCOST Estimator for Excel $89 Free Trial >>
Temporarily all purchases will be made through invoicing. Click Buy Now button below to request invoice using the Contact Form. Be sure to indicate software package name.
Customizable Concrete Estimating Cost Data
For most people time is money. For builders and contractors it means a lot more. Imagine saving time in creating accurate concrete construction cost estimates based on standard unit prices reflecting your way of doing business. That will help you gain an advantage over the competition.
ConcreteCOST Estimator comes with a built-in concrete construction cost database covering all cost categories of concrete construction such as Sitework, Formwork, Reinforcement, Concrete and Repair. You can easily customize the database to suit your cost estimating style:
Add new cost data or edit existing data
Apply your own overhead and profit factors
Make changes to suit the way you do business
ConcreteCOST Estimator is so simple that with a familiar Excel step-by-step interface, you will generate a complete cost estimate within minutes.
Easy to Use Yet Powerful Concrete Cost Estimator
Concrete cost estimating can be easy, accurate and fun. Designed for MS Excel and improving on its capabilities, ConcreteCOST Estimator is contained completely within an Excel file with several worksheets. All you have to do is click the desktop icon for ConcreteCOST Estimator. Create your estimate and print reports. All tied to a convenient menu. It’s that easy.
ConcreteCOST Estimator generates instant, on-screen reports. Click a button to print or format as you would format any MS Excel spreadsheet file. You can use Excel's powerful data saving and exporting tools for managing and distributing your estimates in electronic format and as email attachment.
Key Benefits of ConcreteCOST Estimator
Convenient MS Excel based concrete cost estimating
Customizable, flexible, built-in unit cost data
Works with 32-bit and 64-bit computers
Works with 32-bit and 64-bit installations of MS Office
On-screen Concrete Calculator
Cost data includes standard concrete cost categories
Modifiable overhead and profit applications
Summary and Detail reports including
Price Quotation and Bill of Material
City index selection for localized cost adjustment
Automatically inserts your company logo to Quote report
Free cost estimating software for 7-day trial with full features
Comprehensive Online Help system
Step-by-Step Tutorial for easy and fast learning
Metric edition is also available.
System Requirements for ConcreteCOST Estimator
Desktop or laptop computer running under Windows 7 thru Windows 11
Microsoft Excel 2000-24, Office 365 desktop (32-bit or 64-bit MS Office installation)
Compatible printer
Screens for Concrete Construction Estimating
ConcreteCOST Estimator sample screens:
See Also:
GeneralCOST Estimator for Excel
RemodelCOST Estimator for Excel
ConstructionTOTAL Industry for Excel
End User Agreement
Sample end user agreement applicable to software products. More info >>
How to Uninstall
Trial and Registered software editions come with built-in uninstall feature. More info >>
"ConcreteCost Estimator is based on my MS Excel and I like that. Very easy to use and quick building new concrete estimates. I use existing estimates and quickly build new one. Thanks." L.M. Concrete contractor
How-To Series
Climate Change, What to Do?
Climate change has already started affecting our environment in a substantial way. Forest fires, extreme cold and heat waves, frequent hurricanes, droughts, expanding deserts, melting ice packs, and more.
Scientists confidently declare that global temperatures will continue to rise as a result of high levels of greenhouse gases produced. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which includes more than 1,300 scientists from the United States and other countries, forecasts a temperature rise of 2.5 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit over the next century.
In the near future, storm surges, high tides and tsunamis in conjunction with sea level rise sea level rise will further increase flooding in many regions, especially coastal communities.
Along these lines, planning and building codes and other common-sense measures have a role to play. Developments located away from low lying areas, elevated buildings, flood retention and flood barrier structures should be considered and incorporated into everyday planning and construction.
In fact, many architects and builders are amassing such preventive measures and ideas into their practice and appear to attract a more informed and concerned clientele for their services. The building industry welcomes this and encourages more sensitivity and proactive action to mitigate climate change, now and in the near future.